Empowered to Thrive Podcast

New episodes each Wednesday.

Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

What are the benefits of mindfulness?

If you want to become more mindful about how you're doing, notice your physical sensations throughout the day and pause and breathe. Perhaps you want to deepen your connections and you want to start to notice more about other people. Whatever area it is for you, focus on that one area and slow down the process.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How can I be self-supporting?

If you're a people pleaser, it's gonna be really hard to start asking for what you need because you're so used to focusing on what everyone else needs and meeting their needs, but it's so important to be able to start to meet your own needs and that's by asking, asking for help... Because again, it's so lopsided already. You've been doing for other people way more than you've been doing for yourself.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

What can change do for you?

I'm gonna bring up three keys for change. The first one is empowerment. No one can empower us but ourselves. People can come alongside us, they can offer us a hand. They can say, I'll go with you, I'll run with you, I'll walk with you. But nobody can make us do what only we can do. 

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Tiffany’s Healing Journey part 1

Before I started this journey…it's like a different person…I think one word that would sum it up would be fearful. Every decision I made was based on fear for myself, for my children, for my family.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How can I change myself?

We look at the past so that we can grieve our losses... But when we never look back, we just push things down. We minimize. We turn a blind eye. We suppress and repress. We stay stuck. 

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to overcome shame

So consider, if you were to come just as you are, if you were to just be yourself, who are you innately? Describe that person. Pause the episode if you want, come back to it after I'm done. Journal, sit in quiet reflection. What would the authentic parts of you be if you let them to be?

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

What does being codependent feel like?

We think that taking things into our own hands, we think that controlling will be a means of feeling safer, will be a means of getting the end result we want, but we really don't have control over any part of our life.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

What is compounded grief

Having to keep it all together when I felt like crumbling. Taking it all on when other people weren't asking that of me. They were willing to take part of it off my plate but I wouldn't let him. I actually couldn't even see it.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to cope with grief and loss?

As painful and as challenging as it is to feel the grief, it is necessary to moving through it. Within that grief is heartache and disappointment. It's anger and sadness. And that may be uncomfortable, but friend, I invite you to feel it. You don't have to feel it alone.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

In many homes the full range of emotions are not tolerated. And certainly it's not modeled in knowing how to feel, what to do with our feelings, how to repair when there's a damage to the relationship.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to let go of the expectations of others?

I didn't want to disappoint. I didn't want to cause somebody discomfort. It crushed my heart to see someone disappointed because of my actions. Now I know that they're responsible for theirs and I'm responsible for mine. And what I do doesn't need to determine how they feel.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How do I start slow living?

It’s very natural that we're gonna look at the caregivers, the parental figures we had, and in many ways we're gonna model them. We're gonna look up to them with respect and admiration, no matter whether they deserved it or not. And we're going to create a life that mirrors the one that we saw, the one that we experience, the one that we heard about.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

The Healing Journey

So like I mentioned before, messy is kind of the norm for what we're talking about here. Like you don't grow without a level of chaos, a level of difficulty, a level of pain. So it doesn't mean it's always that way and things don't transition, but you have to expect that. Even if it's just mistakes, like I mentioned before. So I feel like relationships have at times been more difficult and then at times been 10 times better.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Finding authenticity in faith

And the healing journey infiltrates all areas of our life. So your faith is simply another area of your life. And it of course makes sense that you're going to have to reflect and consider, if you're like myself, do a bit of deconstruction around that. Because it's another facet of your life. So authenticity must start at home, in private, before you're going to be able to comfortably practice being authentic in a public space.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Deconstructing religion

I am so happy to be here with you today, and thank you for choosing to spend time with me. Whether you're here because Empowered to Thrive is a podcast that you listen to, or you're here because healing from religious trauma is something that's very relevant to you, I'm glad to be with you, and I welcome all of you. So we are going to embark a little bit on my own story, if you're not familiar with it, and if you are familiar, you've been here along the way as I've shared parts of it, then you're going to get to hear an update, because it's been about a year since I've last talked on my deconstruction, and intuitively, it felt time for that subject again.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Change the Dynamic of Your Relationships Part II

Let's continue to talk about how we can change the dynamic of our relationships!

It’s helpful to remember that stuff is coming into our relationships that isn’t even about us and the other person, but about stuff from our pasts. We can learn to be ok even if the other person isn’t. Our joy doesn’t have to depend on their joy.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Change the Dynamic of Your Relationships Part I

Do you struggle within your relationship? Do you wish your relationships could be easier, happier, with more emotional connection? Take a listen and learn how to change the dynamic of your relationships!

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Parenting Tips

Today’s conversation focuses on how to deal with the stress of parenting, and how to teach children to be truly happy. Co-regulation is necessary for kids before we can expect self regulation. We come alongside our kids to help them emotionally regulate so they know how to manage their emotions. Parenting is stress inducing! It’s a hard job. Some say it’s a thankless job, but seeing my children grow up, be empathetic, love people well, and add beauty to the planet feels like a big applause.

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