Meet your guide

It’s a pleasure to have you!

Motivated to empower people and active global healing, in the spring of 2019, Change Radically was established. Previous to that, for 10 years, I was a crisis coach. It is an honor to serve!

My passion is to help people heal the pain of their childhood and change toxic patterns so that they can finally live their dream life without spending years in therapy. As someone who has been on her own healing journey for two decades, my teaching comes not only from technical knowledge but also from experience. I understand the impacts of trauma. My personal experiences aid me in helping others, and offering support comes naturally.

More personally…

Besides what I already shared, I’m a full-time mom. My husband and I are creating our dream life in the northeast part of the US. Of course, it’s not without challenges and stressors! If you want to know more about my family life and the challenges I speak of take a look at my Instagram, my blog, or my podcast.

Besides all of that, I love a cup of dark & delicious coffee! Guido is my maiden name, and cannolis are one of my favorite desserts. Spontaneous dance and being barefoot energize me! I smile at strangers, and sometimes I even talk to them.

Let’s connect!