Empowered to Thrive Podcast

New episodes each Wednesday.

Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How can I be self-supporting?

If you're a people pleaser, it's gonna be really hard to start asking for what you need because you're so used to focusing on what everyone else needs and meeting their needs, but it's so important to be able to start to meet your own needs and that's by asking, asking for help... Because again, it's so lopsided already. You've been doing for other people way more than you've been doing for yourself.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to overcome shame

So consider, if you were to come just as you are, if you were to just be yourself, who are you innately? Describe that person. Pause the episode if you want, come back to it after I'm done. Journal, sit in quiet reflection. What would the authentic parts of you be if you let them to be?

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to balance self-care and compassion in times of crisis

When we resource ourselves, we support ourselves, we actually then have the capacity, we have the mind, the wherewithal to be able to figure out how we can then support and help other people. Then we are benefiting the global cause.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

6 Hidden Sources of Stress and How to Fix Them with Amber Curtis

We are all bombarded by constant messages, constant information, constant demands, and we don't even realize what a toll that takes on us mentally… And the more decisions that we make, the more we spend our mental energy and our cognitive power, and then we aren't using that for the areas of our life that we truly believe matter most.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Take care of yourself An Excerpt from the Change Radically Program

We're bringing another excerpt your way from phase I of the Change Radically program! In today's episode you'll hear Corinne share from her heart and at times you will hear directly from the members. Any time a member is directly speaking it is being broadcasted with their permission.

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