Corinne’s blog
Words from the heart
Keeping it real
These last few weeks have contained many difficult, isolating moments. I've felt lonely and overwhelmed. I'm guessing you have too. I've questioned how to keep moving forward when all I want to do is stop.
My Spiritual Journey
I still go to church but it looks and feels very different to me than anything I grew up around. I don’t think church is a place to be quiet and somber. The picture above is of me at church… yeah, I get a little wild when we sing. I've been told a couple times that people think I'm high on drugs because they've never seen someone be that way who isn't. I laugh. Yup, that's me. When I say free, I mean that. I feel like the poster child for many songs we sing.
My Perfect Marriage
A perfect marriage isn’t flawless! Marriage looks messy. It’s complicated. A perfect marriage in my opinion is one that involves two people who love each other and actually want to do life together so they both work diligently on becoming the best version of themselves for the sake of everyone they live with, including their own self!
ADDing FuN into Life!
As a kid I loved to have a good time, but as I grew I learned that life carried with it a lot of hardships and challenges and I had time for fun less and less…. I got to the point that I didn’t even feel comfortable having fun when someone invited me to. I was uneasy and wanted to get away from the atmosphere that was relaxed, happy and fun.
Be Aromatic
Here's the truth I want to send - you are beautifully unique. You have strengths that are wonderful. Learn to rest in them as you develop; don’t strive to be known. You being your true self will turn many heads!
Becoming Fearless
I used to walk into a room and not feel comfortable in my own skin, sometimes wondering what people thought of how I looked or just who I am. I can honestly tell you, that is not how I function anymore! I walk into a room feeling confident, significant and valuable.