Empowered to Thrive Podcast

New episodes each Wednesday.

Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

What can change do for you?

I'm gonna bring up three keys for change. The first one is empowerment. No one can empower us but ourselves. People can come alongside us, they can offer us a hand. They can say, I'll go with you, I'll run with you, I'll walk with you. But nobody can make us do what only we can do. 

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Tiffany’s Healing Journey part 1

Before I started this journey…it's like a different person…I think one word that would sum it up would be fearful. Every decision I made was based on fear for myself, for my children, for my family.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to overcome shame

So consider, if you were to come just as you are, if you were to just be yourself, who are you innately? Describe that person. Pause the episode if you want, come back to it after I'm done. Journal, sit in quiet reflection. What would the authentic parts of you be if you let them to be?

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